It's a little bittersweet seeing the summer end, but we are approaching the time of year where I always feel like I have something to look forward to. Fall is my absolute favorite season. I always think of days growing up in New England. There is no better place to be than in New England in the fall. The colors of the trees are so vibrant. The smell of the crisp air...picking apples, apple cider, picking the best pumpkin at the pumpkin patch. Making scarecrows and deciding on a Halloween costume are some of my favorite memories. Cin, remember the Vermont Pumpkin Patch? Good days!!
Now that I am grown and in a different location, I still look forward to most of those things. We've created traditions with the boys of going to local farms to find pumpkins, hayrides and walking the corn mazes. I can't wait to carve and paint our pumpkins. They're already talking about Halloween costumes and I'm slowly thinking about when I'll put out my fall decorations. There is a tree outside of our backyard that is already starting to change colors.
I think what I am most anticipating, though, is going to Starbucks to savor the start of their holiday drinks. My two top favorites are the Pumpkin Spice Latte in the fall, followed by the Gingerbread Latte in the winter. Just smelling them brings me that "snuggle up by the fire" kind of comfort.
If you have never tried either one -run, don't walk, to Starbucks and order a venti with a dab of whipped cream and spice on top!! Then, come back and thank me!! Trust me - not even a margarita tops these drinks!!
Oh, and how could I forget to mention that Sept./Oct. brings the start of hockey season. I'm so excited to see what our Preds will do this year! Go Preds!
Me encanta ese café.
Lo probé en Madrid de Mocca, recuerdo y es perfecto en Palma de Mallorca había una cadena de cafeterias en la que te ofrecian cafe y rosquillas tipo Hommer Simpson y nada.
Soy una fan de ese café, el de la foto!!!
I love this coffe
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