This is my newest tattoo, tattoo #5. I think it is the one with the most meaning, as the meaning for Amy is: Beloved. As those of you know, who have tattoos, there is a lot of careful thought that goes into deciding what your next one will be. I was tossing around a couple of ideas when this one suddenly came to me. I wrote it with pen and practiced with it for a few days to see if I'd actually like it and it turned out that I loved it! I wanted to see how I would like having it in a place where it would be seen more. I originally thought to get it on the back of my neck, but I believe it was supposed to go in a place where it could be me!!!
This tattoo sits almost in the middle of my inner forearm, but a little bit closer to the wrist. It is in a place where I can't help but notice it as I am going along in a normal day. It's in a place where if I forget who I am, all I have to do is glance down for a reminder. It also serves to remind me that no matter what I've done, or haven't done, I am always loved. And, more importantly, this was the name chosen for me and can never be taken away from me.
For some it sometimes takes an extreme measure like a tattoo for that to sink in (literally).
I hope to eventually add on to it a bit; I am not sure what it will be just yet. Maybe do a connecting band or some squiggly lines...but for now it's perfect. I know it will come when the time is right.
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