Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Making sure he's ready for the spelling test

It seems like something has clicked with Ryan this week and he's realized the correlation between a letters sound and using it to help spell a word. He only got a 50% on his spelling test last week, but I'm confident he'll make a passing grade this week! He's literally been walking around the house spelling his sight words for this weeks spelling test the past couple of days. It's amazing to see the progress he is making in such a short time since school started.

Here we are going over some of his words for the test on Fri. I love how you can actually see him thinking. He's such a smart boy and has done a superb job in school this year.

Sometimes it gets a little hairy going over homework as somebody else usually gets a little jealous!

Oh, and I'm crossing my fingers he does not try to figure out the letter sounds for his favorite 4 letter word! He hasn't said it in awhile so hopefully it is a thing of the past....for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Genius in the making...