Friday, July 18, 2008


The name of this blog is like a "mother hen" sitting on my shoulders telling me, as I am stumbling throughout my day, "Amy, keep your chin UP...ALWAYS keep your chin up." I hear her playing over and over. There are times I laugh at it when challenges come because it seems so funny. Chin up? Yeah, right! As soon as I pick my chin up something comes along to drop it back down again. But the more I learn to pick my chin up, the more I'm telling those challenges they won't win. The key is continuing to do it when I want to give in. It's staying consistent in the midst of the storms and staying tuned in.
The definition for up is: to, toward, or in a more elevated position. So when my chin is up, I am more elevated than my challenge? I am higher than my challenge? Yes! It cannot beat me down when I purpose in my mind to rise above it, because the challenge is the thing that is down. Literally speaking!
I can hear that mama hen, in my ear now, telling me to not focus on those challenges, but to look above them - to the good. Going back to the definition of up - look to....look toward the goal and toward the good, and not at the bad. The good raises, while the bad sinks. So as I go about my days, it is all about looking towards and looking up. Practice it and let go of the bad.
And appreciate the clucking I hear in my ear.

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