Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Enjoying the Moment

As a reward for sitting still during their haircut, I took the boys to the waterpark to splash around afterwards. The waterpark has been a favorite spot for Ryan ever since he was a little tot. It's fulfilling to watch the boys play and enjoy the simple things that being a child brings. Ryan is a little different, though, and watching him play is a little more rewarding.

As I kept my eye on him to make sure he didn't escape, or didn't use his "gentle hands" with another child, I noticed a far more positive thing instead. I noticed him thoroughly enjoying the simple things in life, and that only. When I carefully watched his moves and the reactions on his face I didn't see him wonder what others thought. I didn't see him trying to impress other kids by what he could do. He was simply enjoying the moment - for himself.

Many times people have asked me what Ryan's special gift or talent is. After all, isn't every child that has autism supposed to be gifted in some area? That is so often what people think of when they first hear the word autism. Yes, Ryan does love music. And yes, Ryan is very smart, but that could be with any kiddo around. If I had to answer that question after today I would say that Ryan's gift is in enjoying life and all that it brings. He is not bothered by the same cares you and I have, or bothered by how things look. He is all about enjoying the simple things.

If you were to watch Ryan play at the water park you would notice that he doesn't "look" like the other kids. He runs, dances, laughs, plays and almost interacts with what he is experiencing....the fun of the water. He is not worried about making friends, what the other kids will think of him, being the first one to the water sprayers, or what kind of towel he has. Ryan is just simply enjoying the moment and taking in what the moment can give him.

What a lesson that can be for all of us. I, myself, am always wrapped up in the cares of life and forget to just enjoy the moment. Thank you, Ryan, for helping me to slow it down.

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