Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Not Cynical...Just Smart!

I've often been called a cynical person. To a point I would agree. I found this (I don't put much stake in, but fun) test that said otherwise. I thought the results were pretty accurate.

So there, Dave!!! I'm only 24% cynical!!

There's a link on the bottom if you want to take it.

You Are 24% Cynical

Generally you give people the benefit of the doubt. But there are exceptions.

You buy into many of the things that mainstream society believes, but you're not anybody's fool.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Ever have those times in life where things just don't seem right? You let it go, but it still nags at you.
It's proven that "actions speak louder than words." That can mean so many things and can be applied to so many areas in life. On the receiving end...and the giving end. Seems like many of life's important lessons come when you don't want to hear what they have to say. You want to keep believing in your false facade and that everything is ok.
But there comes a time that it just gets too loud. Louder than words could ever be. That's where that term could be turned around to say "inactions speak louder than words." Now is the point when I ask....what am I going to do about it?

Sunday, September 14, 2008


This is my newest tattoo, tattoo #5. I think it is the one with the most meaning, as the meaning for Amy is: Beloved. As those of you know, who have tattoos, there is a lot of careful thought that goes into deciding what your next one will be. I was tossing around a couple of ideas when this one suddenly came to me. I wrote it with pen and practiced with it for a few days to see if I'd actually like it and it turned out that I loved it! I wanted to see how I would like having it in a place where it would be seen more. I originally thought to get it on the back of my neck, but I believe it was supposed to go in a place where it could be me!!!
This tattoo sits almost in the middle of my inner forearm, but a little bit closer to the wrist. It is in a place where I can't help but notice it as I am going along in a normal day. It's in a place where if I forget who I am, all I have to do is glance down for a reminder. It also serves to remind me that no matter what I've done, or haven't done, I am always loved. And, more importantly, this was the name chosen for me and can never be taken away from me.
For some it sometimes takes an extreme measure like a tattoo for that to sink in (literally).
I hope to eventually add on to it a bit; I am not sure what it will be just yet. Maybe do a connecting band or some squiggly lines...but for now it's perfect. I know it will come when the time is right.

No More Picture!

This video was done in Feb. of last year (2007). Ryan has come so far since then. You'll hear 2 of the boys favorite things in this video - Kroger and balloons. Nathan did not have a nap that day....which always made for a cranky Nathan. I was still able to capture a bit of cute, however.

Aileen, after you brought the balloons over I remembered this video of Nathan (almost) singing the "I Love Balloons" song. Thanks for always thinking of them and bringing the balloons and goodies!!! I posted the video here instead of emailing it so everyone could see what a stinker he is! How can they be so cute and still be such turds at the same time!! They are non-stop energy, but you gotta love 'em!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Team Ryan's Hope

Our family, Dave's brother's family and a friend, Brenda, all walked today in the first TN walk for Autism at the Nashville Speedway. It was a good success. Thanks to all of you who who contributed...we ended up raising $995
It was a beautiful day, a little hot, but we had a strong breeze to help cool us off (hence the very bad hair!!). The sun and wind reeked havoc on my face and lips. When will I start learning to wear sunscreen?!

Here are some pics from the day.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

These are a few of my favorite (fall) things!

It's a little bittersweet seeing the summer end, but we are approaching the time of year where I always feel like I have something to look forward to. Fall is my absolute favorite season. I always think of days growing up in New England. There is no better place to be than in New England in the fall. The colors of the trees are so vibrant. The smell of the crisp air...picking apples, apple cider, picking the best pumpkin at the pumpkin patch. Making scarecrows and deciding on a Halloween costume are some of my favorite memories. Cin, remember the Vermont Pumpkin Patch? Good days!!

Now that I am grown and in a different location, I still look forward to most of those things. We've created traditions with the boys of going to local farms to find pumpkins, hayrides and walking the corn mazes. I can't wait to carve and paint our pumpkins. They're already talking about Halloween costumes and I'm slowly thinking about when I'll put out my fall decorations. There is a tree outside of our backyard that is already starting to change colors.

I think what I am most anticipating, though, is going to Starbucks to savor the start of their holiday drinks. My two top favorites are the Pumpkin Spice Latte in the fall, followed by the Gingerbread Latte in the winter. Just smelling them brings me that "snuggle up by the fire" kind of comfort.

If you have never tried either one -run, don't walk, to Starbucks and order a venti with a dab of whipped cream and spice on top!! Then, come back and thank me!! Trust me - not even a margarita tops these drinks!!
Oh, and how could I forget to mention that Sept./Oct. brings the start of hockey season. I'm so excited to see what our Preds will do this year! Go Preds!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Best moment in a comedy movie!

This is the best laugh in history! Tom Hanks in the Money Pit. He is brilliant!! If this won't make you smile and laugh, I don't know what will. Such a classic movie - one of my favorites!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Making sure he's ready for the spelling test

It seems like something has clicked with Ryan this week and he's realized the correlation between a letters sound and using it to help spell a word. He only got a 50% on his spelling test last week, but I'm confident he'll make a passing grade this week! He's literally been walking around the house spelling his sight words for this weeks spelling test the past couple of days. It's amazing to see the progress he is making in such a short time since school started.

Here we are going over some of his words for the test on Fri. I love how you can actually see him thinking. He's such a smart boy and has done a superb job in school this year.

Sometimes it gets a little hairy going over homework as somebody else usually gets a little jealous!

Oh, and I'm crossing my fingers he does not try to figure out the letter sounds for his favorite 4 letter word! He hasn't said it in awhile so hopefully it is a thing of the past....for now.